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CEN111 Homeworks 2013-2015

CEN111 Homeworks 2013-2015

Start: Jan.10.2015 at 10:00:00 AM
Finish: Jan.10.2015 at 03:00:00 PM
The contest is finished!
• Contest scoreboard

Pages:  [1]  (2)

Problem name In short Forum
50389 - Reverse an Array Reverse an array from pos 1 to pos2. Clarifications (1) »
50392 - How much space Show the total space occupied. Clarifications (2) »
50378 - Sum of the given digits You are given some numbers and digit numbers.Calculate the digits sum Clarifications (1) »
13-Fall2-10. 50379 - a^b modulus k Calculate (bth power of a) modulus k where 1 < (a and k) <= 1000</Hint Clarifications (2) »
13-Fall2-20. 50399 - Mobile Base Station Find how many people are in the coverage of a mobile base station Clarifications (1) »
13-Fall2-40. 50401 - Sum of Odd Numbers Given N numbers. Calculate the sum of odd numbers. Clarifications (1) »
13-Fall2-50. 50400 - nth Row rth Element of a Table Find the sum of two elements of a table. When given row and coloumn Clarifications (1) »
14-Fall1-10. 50532 - Close City Find out which city is closer from the given two cities Clarifications (3) »
14-Fall1-30. 50500 - Find Student Clarifications (2) »
14-Fall1-40. 50511 - Class Average Clarifications (5) »
14-Fall1-50. 50481 - Car Parking Clarifications (10) »
14-Fall2-10. 50510 - What floor are they? Clarifications (1) »
14-Fall2-20. 50504 - School contest Clarifications (1) »
14-Fall2-30. 50523 - Total Tax to Pay Clarifications (1) »
14-Fall2-40. 50514 - Bookkeeping Clarifications (2) »
14-Fall2-50. 50534 - Top Trading Company Calculate total balance and the company which you have the most trade Clarifications (3) »
14-Fall2-60. 50487 - Radius of Inscribed Circle Clarifications (2) »
14-FallResit-20. 50407 - Missing Number Clarifications (1) »
14-Spr2-10. 50426 - Calculating Sales Calculate and display the total retail values of all products sold Clarifications (2) »
14-Spr2-20. 50425 - Calculating Weekly Pay Show the employees who have received the highest and lowest salaries Clarifications (2) »
14-Spr2-30. 50445 - Cryptography Encrypt a password entered by a user Clarifications (1) »
14-Spr2-50. 50437 - Age Labeling Print the number of people for each age range Clarifications (1) »
15-FallHW-2. 50821 - Derivative of an array Clarifications (1) »
15-FallHW-3. 50822 - Linked List Clarifications (1) »

Pages:  [1]  (2)
