
Contests >



Start: Nov.07.2023 at 12:20:01 AM
Finish: Nov.14.2023 at 11:20:01 PM
The contest is finished!
• Contest scoreboard

Problem name In short Forum
50879 - Passed or Failed Decide if the student has "Passed" or "Failed" Clarifications (3) »
50341 - Separate Into Digits separate one four-digit number into its individual digits Clarifications (1) »
50798 - Passing the course Clarifications (3) »
50797 - Nr of Missing Guests Clarifications (1) »
50355 - Bills of City Water Company Calculate the bills for City water company according to the water rate Clarifications (1) »
50478 - Letter Grades Calculate Letter Grade and GradePoint Clarifications (3) »
14-Fall1-20. 50480 - What quadrant is it? Find and show what quadrant the given point is in? Clarifications (5) »
14-Fall1-60. 50482 - Bank Charges Clarifications (2) »
2012-11-10. 50568 - Body Mass Index Calculator Write a program that is going to calculate BMI given height and weight Clarifications (2) »
3. 50391 - Cinema Tickets Clarifications (4) »
