
Sections > Ad-Hoc > problem:

50253 - Timer

• Discussion of problem (1)

Section problems

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• 50253 - Timer
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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb. Difficulty Alpha

Timer - a watch, which are able to beep after some period of time. Write a program that determines when should be beeps.

The first line contains the current time in HH: MM: SS (With leading zeros). At the same time it satisfies the restrictions: HH - 00 to 23 MM and SS - from 00 to 60.
The second line contains the time interval that should be measured. Interval recorded in the format h: m: s (where H, M and C - 0 to 10 9 , without leading zeros). Additionally, if H = 0 (or M = 0 and S = 0), then they can be omitted. For example, 100:60 really mean 100 minutes, 60 seconds that the same thing as 101:0 or 1:41:0. A 42 means 42 seconds. 100:100:100 - 100 hours, 100 minutes, 100 seconds, which is the same as that 101:41:40.
Bring out the format HH: MM: SS time, how much time to beep sound. In this case, if the signal is not sounded in the current day, then it should continue to follow the record + days. For example, if the signal will be performed the next day - then +1 days.

input 1 Input 2 entering 3
Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3
01:01:01+2 days
00:00:00+1 days

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