
Sections > Geometry > problem:

50348 - Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle

• Discussion of problem (8)

Section problems

• 50487 - Radius of Inscribed Circle
• 50480 - What quadrant is it?
• 50825 - Drawing Polygon
• 50508 - The Biggest Area
• 50854 - Area of Triangle Revised
• 50669 - Area of an Irregular Polygon
• 51034 - Area of 3 Shapes
• 50349 - Area of a Triangle
• 50348 - Area and Perimeter of a...
• 50354 - Intersecting Rectangles
• 50560 - Max Distance
• 50660 - Triangle and the point
• 50665 - Intersecting rectangles
• 50666 - The card and envelope
• 50667 - Intersecting Line Segments
• Problem 2


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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan. Difficulty Alpha

Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle

You will be given two sides of a rectange (a,b). Calculate and show the area and the perimeter of it.

Input specification
You will be given the two integers a and b where 1 ≤ (a, b) ≤ 5000

Output specification
Calculate and show the area and the perimeter of the given rectangle.

Sample Input I
  5 2
Sample Output I
  10 14

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