
Sections > Ad-Hoc > problem:

50357 - Convert Euros into Dollars

• Discussion of problem (1)

Section problems

• 50477 - Character Pyramids
• 50498 - K-Means
• 50505 - kht Puzzle
• 50346 - The Biggest Date
• 50512 - Coding redundancy
• 50528 - Rock-Scissors-Paper
• 50493 - n-digit kth Prime Number
• 50520 - Filling a Matrix Randomly
• 50357 - Convert Euros into Dollars
• 50355 - Bills of City Water Company
• 50454 - What day is it?
• 50350 - Fahrenheit to Celsius
• 50356 - Hours Passed
• 50466 - Drawing Square From Stars
• 50351 - Convert inches to cm
• 50467 - Random Numbers
• 50474 - Sum of Two Primes


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan. Difficulty Alpha

Convert Euros into Dollars

Dardani Exchange office wants a computerized system. They want a program to convert currencies.

Input specification
You will be given two floating point numbers (euroRate, dollarRate) that are the conversion rates from Euros to Leke and from Dollars to Leke. Then you will be given another number (amount) that is Euro amount to be converted into Dollars where 0 ≤ amount ≤ 1000000.

Output specification
Show the Dollars equivalent of the given number rounded to two decimal places.

Sample Input I
  140.5 104
Sample Input II
  141 104.3
Sample Output I
Sample Output II

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