
Volumes > Repetition (Loops) > problem:

115. 50425 - Calculating Weekly Pay

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Volume problems

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• 074. 50396 - Cinema Tickets - 1
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• 115. 50425 - Calculating Weekly...
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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Erisa Terolli.

Calculating Weekly Pay

Mr. Berberi is an accountant in a sales company. He records employees monthly sales in a file. Every employee received a total salary of $200 plus 6% of their monthly sales. Write a program that reads the name, surname and monthly sales information of n employees and then shows the employee who has received the greatest salary and the employee who has received the lowest salary. If more than one employee have the same min or max salary, show the last one.

Input specification
You will be given a number (n) at the beginning. Then n lines of employee information. Every live first contain name and surname of employee followed by decimal number that represent the monthly sales of that employee.

Output specification
Show name, surname and the floating point salary of the employee who has the greatest salary and name, surname and the floating point salary of the employee who has the lowest salary. The salary must have 2 digits precision after the floating point and cant be more than 1000000.

 Sample Input I   
Arben Hoxha 1389
Artur Dardani 1000
Klevis Shehu 56094
Alban Mehmeti 100000
Ervin Murataj 340
 Sample Output I   
Alban Mehmeti 6200.00
Ervin Murataj 220.40

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