
Volumes > Functions > problem:

004. 50433 - Sum of Cubes

• Review clarifications (4)

Volume problems

• 50527 - Sum of LCMs
• 50353 - Cube of the Largest number
• 50539 - Number of Chairs - 2
• 50469 - Letter Grades
• 51012 - Palindrome-k
• 50559 - Prime Factors of a Number
• 002. 50428 - Three Times
• 003. 50432 - Numbers and Squares
• 004. 50433 - Sum of Cubes
• 005. 50595 - Sum of the numbers
• 010. 50582 - Number of digits
• 016. 50459 - The Biggest Digit
• 020. 50575 - Number of Prime num...
• 030. 50576 - Number of Perfect nu...
• 035. 50467 - Random Numbers
• 040. 50354 - Intersecting Rectangles
• 050. 50510 - What floor are they?


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Sum of Cubes

You are given two integers (a and b). Calculate and show the sum of cubes from a to b.

Input specification
You will be given two integers (a and b) where 1 ≤ (a and b) ≤ 1000.

Output specification
Show one integer: sum of the cubes of the numbers from a to b.

Sample Input  
3 5
Sample Output  

Explanation: 27 + 64 + 125 = 216

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