
Volumes > Repetition (Loops) > problem:

130. 50440 - Call Center

• Review clarifications (3)

Volume problems

• 085. 50333 - Series of Squares
• 090. 50456 - nth Digit of a Number
• 095. 50651 - Largest power of two
• 110. 50288 - Even numbers in even...
• 115. 50425 - Calculating Weekly Pay
• 118. 50514 - Bookkeeping
• 120. 50426 - Calculating Sales
• 125. 50484 - Number Of Letters
• 130. 50440 - Call Center
• 132. 50504 - School contest
• 135. 50392 - How much space
• 136. 50443 - Dajte Express
• 140. 50655 - Divisibility by 9
• 145. 50656 - Divisibility by 11
• 147. 50553 - Divisible by m
• 148. 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (US...
• 148. 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (US...


If you notice incorrect translations in Contester, please let author know.

Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Call Center

After his trip, Mr. Tafaj decided open a call center in his town. He wants the system to calculate the results automatically. The rates change according to the minute you talked:

  • The first 2 minutes is 100 Leke
  • Every additional 10 seconds is 5Leke

Write a program that is going to read n phone call times (in seconds). And then, the program will calculate the total amount collected from all users.

Input specification
You will be given an integer number (n) where 0 ≤ n ≤ 30000. Then, the following n lines will contain the talk time (in seconds) for n people. Every phone call can be an integer between 1 and 2000.

Output specification
Calculate and show the amount due from the user.

Sample Input I
Sample Input II
Sample Output I
Sample Output II

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