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50451 - Processing Cost

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Section problems

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• 50451 - Processing Cost
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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 1500/20000/6000/6000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Processing Cost

Assume that processing a list of items costs the sum of differences between the item and the max value in that series. For example if we are given the series: 5 3 2 7, thus, the max of this series is 7. Then, the processing cost of it is

= (7-5) + (7-3) + (7-2) + (7-7)
= 2 + 4 + 5 + 0 = 11.

Question: Write a program that is going to read n rows of m element series and then the program will find the minimum processing cost.

Input specification
In the first line, you will be given two numbers (n and m). Then, in the following n lines, you will be given m integers which are between -20000 and 20000 where n and m are between 1 and 20000

Output specification
Show one integer: Minimum processing cost.

Sample Input I   
3 4
7 1 7 9
4 10 8 8
9 2 6 3
Sample Input II   
2 4
5 3 2 7
5 13 2 17
Sample Output I   
Sample Output II   

In sample input 1, there are 3 rows with 4 elements. The max of first row is 9 and the processing cost of it 12. The max of the second row is 10 with a total processing cost of 10 (6+0+2+2). Then the third series has the max of 9. And it’s processing cost is 16. So, the second row has the minimum processing cost: 10.

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