
Volumes > Functions > problem:

200. 50454 - What day is it?

• Discussion of problem (1)

Volume problems

• 140. 50393 - Palindromic Numbers
• 145. 50586 - Prime Palindromes
• 148. 50412 - K numbers
• 150. 50375 - Area of Circles
• 160. 50388 - Number of Armstrong ...
• 160. 50571 - Armstrong Numbers - 2
• 165. 50577 - Perfect Numbers and ...
• 190. 50533 - Contacts List
• 200. 50454 - What day is it?
• 210. 50369 - Base Conversion
• 250. 50385 - The 3n + 1 problem
• 260. 50493 - n-digit kth Prime Number


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

What day is it?

You are writing a program in which you have operations related to date. Write a program that reads date information and calculates the day of it.
One year has 365.2496 days and 1-1-1900 is Monday.

Input specification
You will be given three integers: Day, Month, Year where year is a positive integer between 1900 and 2050.

Output specification
Find and show the day of the week: Monday, Tuesday, etc.

 Sample Input I     Sample Output I   
 29 3 1996

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