
Sections > Search > problem:

50457 - The Number of Winners

• Review clarifications (2)

Section problems

• 50566 - Grade Point Average (GPA)
• 50573 - Count and Sum
• 50575 - Number of Prime numbers
• 50576 - Number of Perfect numbers
• 50588 - Processing the list of numbers
• 50547 - Close Pair
• 50238 - The smallest number
• 50437 - Age Labeling
• 50457 - The Number of Winners
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• 50783 - The smallest number
• Raporti Javor


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

The Number of Winners

There is a competition and the best cow will be selected. There are several juries and each of them gives points out of 1000. In the end, the cow with the highest point will be the 1st Prize winner. And, the winner will get a prize which is great amount of money. But, if there are several cows getting the same points, the money will be shared amoung the winners equally.

Write a program that gets the scores of cows and the amount of money for the winner(s). Then, the program will tell the number of winners and amount of money taken by each winner.

Input specification
You will be given two integer numbers (n and amount) at the beginning where 1 ≤ n ≤ 50000 and 1 ≤ amount ≤ 100000. Then, in the following n lines, you will be given n integers, the scores of n cows, which are between 0 and 10000.

Output specification
Show just two numbers: the number of winning cows and the amount received by them.
Note: Show the amount of money received with at most 2 digits precision.

 Sample Input I   
  6 99
 Sample Input II   
  8 50
 Sample Output I   
  2 49.5
 Sample Output II   
  1 50

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