
Sections > Search > problem:

50478 - Letter Grades

• Review clarifications (3)

Section problems

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• 50478 - Letter Grades
• 50791 - Mine field
• 50867 - Average of the Best Grades
• 50782 - Max of N integers
• 50460 - Median of 3 Numbers
• 50552 - Casual shoes
• 50558 - Biggest Barn
• 50562 - List of students
• 50566 - Grade Point Average (GPA)


If you notice incorrect translations in Contester, please let author know.

Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan,.

Notat Letra


Arben studion ne Universitetin Epoka. Ne universitet, piket, ne fillim jane te dhena ne sistem 100 pikesh, dhe me pas konvertohen ne sistem notash dhe shkronjash. Notat jane te konvertuara sipas tabeles ne te djathte.

Shkruaj nje program qe te lexoje nje numer te plote (integer) si piket. Dhe me pas te tregoje vleren respektive ne sistemin me shkronja dhe nota.

Jepet nje numer (grade), i cili eshte gjithmone 0 ≤ grade ≤ 100

Gjej noten e sakte sipas dy sistemeve te treguara.

Sample Input I
Sample Input II
Sample Output I
  FD 0.5
Sample Output II
  BB 3

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