
Sections > Strings > problem:

50511 - Class Average

• Review clarifications (5)

Section problems

• 50264 - String Multiplication
• 50307 - Palindromes
• 50315 - Pig Latin
• 50484 - Number Of Letters
• 50323 - Filtering Contact List
• 50409 - Random Password Generator
• 50763 - Valid Password
• 50429 - Secret Message
• 50511 - Class Average
• 50502 - Welcome Andi - 1
• 50503 - Welcome Andi - 2
• 50926 - School Mail Merge
• 50764 - Fast Typing Competition
• 50533 - Contacts List
• 50555 - Frequency of Letters
• 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO)
• 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO)


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Class Average

Question: Prof. Alban Azizaj is giving lesson to two classes. He has 2 students in one class and three students in the other class. Read the student information and find the class with the highest average.

Input specification
You will be given five lines of information. In every line, you will have class name, student name, student surname, and student grade. Where class name is at most 3 characters containing only English letters or digit from 0 to 9. Name and surname are at most 15 characters containing only English letters. Student grade is an integer between 1 and 100.

Output specification
Show the class name and average (with 2 digits precision) which has the highest average.

 Sample Input I     Sample Output I   
 10A Andi Visari 80
 10A Evis Ajazi 67
 11A Genti Agolli 92
 10A Endri Drita 47
 11A Erion Shehu 90
 11A 91

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