
Sections > Strings > problem:

50555 - Frequency of Letters

• Review clarifications (2)

Section problems

• 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO)
• 50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO)
• 50759 - Text Statistics
• 50307 - Palindromes
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• 50555 - Frequency of Letters
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• 50656 - Divisibility by 11
• 50767 - Censor
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If you notice incorrect translations in Contester, please let author know.

Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.
Prepared by Ibrahim Mesecan.

For a research on languages, some scientists want to see which letters are used most. In order to make these letters calculations, they ask from you to write a program in which the user can write a text and the program shows the frequency of letters.

Input specification
The input text can contain any character from ASCII table. You are required to read until the end of file. The file may contain at most 50.000 characters

Output specification
Your program will output the letter followed by an equal sign(=)and a number where this number shows how many times that this letter has appeared in the given text. Only the letters from English alphabet are shown in the output, and all other characters are ignored. The case of the letter doesn't make difference. That is, uppercase and lowercase of the same letter are count together.

Sample Input 1 Sample input 2 Sample Input 3
this is a text AabcCdefFghijkKlmnOopqQrstuvVwxyzZ t!h@i@s# $i%s %a^n&o&t*h(e)r_ _s+a-m=p[l]e; t'e\x,t.
Sample Output 1 Sample Output2 Sample Output3
A= 1
B= 0
C= 0
D= 0
E= 1
F= 0
G= 0
H= 1
I= 2
J= 0
K= 0
L= 0
M= 0
N= 0
O= 0
P= 0
Q= 0
R= 0
S= 2
T= 3
U= 0
V= 0
W= 0
X= 1
Y= 0
Z= 0
A= 2
B= 1
C= 2
D= 1
E= 1
F= 2
G= 1
H= 1
I= 1
J= 1
K= 2
L= 1
M= 1
N= 1
O= 2
P= 1
Q= 2
R= 1
S= 1
T= 1
U= 1
V= 2
W= 1
X= 1
Y= 1
Z= 2
A= 2
B= 0
C= 0
D= 0
E= 3
F= 0
G= 0
H= 2
I= 2
J= 0
K= 0
L= 1
M= 1
N= 1
O= 1
P= 1
Q= 0
R= 1
S= 3
T= 4
U= 0
V= 0
W= 0
X= 1
Y= 0
Z= 0
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