
Sections > Search > problem:

50588 - Processing the list of numbers

• Review clarifications (2)

Section problems

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Prepared by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Processing the list of numbers


In a file there is a list of positive numbers ending with a negative number (-1).

Your program should count the numbers and output the sum and their average (integer). In the list contains maximally 10000 integer numbers, with maximally 8 digits. Number -1 determines the end of the list. (use while loop)

You will be given a list of n positive numbers ending with a negative one (-1), where 0 ≤ n ≤ 10000 and each of the n numbers has maximally 8 digits.

The output will be three numbers in a line: cnt, sum, ave, respectively showing:
   cnt - number of numbers in the list;
   sum - the sum of the numbers in the list;
   ave - the average of the given numbers.

Input Output
5 7 3 4 8 -1
5 27 5

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