
Volumes > Repetition (Loops) > problem:

50859 - Low performance

• Review clarifications (3)

Volume problems

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• 50899 - How Many Years
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• 50859 - Low performance
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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Low performance

Question: You are given 2 Quizzes, 2 exams and the final exam results of n students. Find and show the name of the student with the lowest average. And also show the number of failing students. A student fails, if his integer average is below 60.

Input specification
You will be first given a number (n) the number of students. Then in the following n lines you will be given the information for n students where 0 ≤ n ≤ 2000. Every line contains:

  • Name and surname: at most 30 chars space separated and contains only English letters.
  • 5 integers: the grades are between 0 and 100
    • two quiz results: 5% of each quiz
    • two exam results: 25% of each exam
    • and the final exam result: 40% of the final exam

Output specification:
Show the number of failing students. And then, show name and surname of the student with the lowest grade. Note: Round student averages to the nearest integer.

Sample Input I
Anastas Hasanaj 70 15 64 89 87
Anica Omeri 10 12 34 28 92
Xhulia Hanku 44 89 22 40 65
Fatjona Davis 10 52 89 3 40
George Dulaj 82 57 50 37 80
Sample Output I
3 Fatjona Davis

Explanation: Here are student averages:

Name and SurnameStudent average
Anastas Hasanaj77
Anica Omeri53
Xhulia Hanku48
Fatjona Davis42
George Dulaj61

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