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51077 - Grades Histogram

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• 51077 - Grades Histogram
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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Grades Histogram

A professor stores his two exam results in a file (Midterm and Final exams). At the end of the semester, first he calculates student averages: 40% of midterm and 60% of final rounded to the nearest integer. Then, to be able to analyze exam results better, he prepares the grade histogram. In his histogram, he counts the number of grades within 4 grade-ranges:

  • Grades between 0 and 49
  • Grades between 50 and 69
  • Grades between 70 and 84
  • Grades between 85 and 100

Question: Write a program that is going to read grades for n students. And print the grades histogram.

Input specification: You will be first given an integer (n where n is between 1 and 2000): the number of students. Then, you will be given n lines of information. Each line contains two integer numbers between 0 and 100 separated by a space.

Output specification: Show 4 integers: the number of grades in the ranges given above.

Sample Input Sample Output
64 50
82 78
79 86
56 48
95 78
45 59
0 3 2 1

Explanation: There are 6 students. So, there is no student in the first range (0-49). There are 3 students in the second range (50-69).

Student   Average  
1 56
2 80
3 83
4 51
5 85
6 53

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