
Volumes > Repetition (Loops) > problem:

51115 - Pascal Triangle

• Review clarifications (2)

Volume problems

• 50897 - Prime Number
• 50901 - Sum of Cubes-1
• 50957 - Divisible by 3
• 50898 - Draw the Pattern
• 50896 - Sum of Even Numbers
• 51115 - Pascal Triangle
• 51116 - The Star Triangle
• 50303 - Pattern
• 50882 - FizzBuzz
• 50308 - IT Knowledge Seminars
• 50312 - Sales Bar Chart
• 50316 - Population Bar Chart
• 50313 - Pattern Displays
• 50320 - Random Sorted List


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Time limit 2000/4000/4000/4000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.

The Pascal Triangle

Question: Write a C++ program that will read the depth and print the Pascal Triangle up to input depth. The number of rows (n) will be entered by users and then a Pascal triangle will be generated in a 2D manner.

Hint: The leftmost and the rightmost numbers in the row are represented by 1. Since the top left of each row is taken as 0, so 0+1 gives 1. Here, as you can see, 2 is represented by addition of top-left 1 and top-right 1. Similarly, 3 in the next row is the result of addition of top-left 1 and top-right 2. This continues up to n number of rows.

Input specification: A Positive integer.

Output specification: Pascal Triangle.

Sample Input Sample Output

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