
Volumes > Repetition (Loops) > problem:

Reflektimi i pikes

• Review clarifications (1)

Volume problems

• 50528 - Rock-Scissors-Paper
• 50744 - The Smallest Perimeter
• 50808 - Total Distance Traveled
• 50814 - Buying Books from Internet
• 50812 - Total Discount for the clients
• 50832 - Rock Paper Scissors Lizard ...
• 51046 - The biggest number
• 50867 - Average of the Best Grades
• Reflektimi i pikes
• 50994 - The Most Crowded Station
• 51194 - The difference between max...
• 002. 50554 - nth power of m
• 004. 50424 - Area
• 004. 50522 - Multiplication Table - 2
• 012. 50352 - Selling Cows
• 017. 50537 - esreveR Triangle
• 018. 50491 - Brokers


If you notice incorrect translations in Contester, please let author know.

Time limit 10000/10000/10000/10000 ms. Memory limit 65000/65000/65000/65000 Kb.

Reflektimi i pikes

Le te jete nje pike a=(ax, ay) ne rrjetin koordinativ x-y. Ne nje bashkesi me 3 pika a, b dhe r pika r=(rx, ry) quhet reflektimi i pikes a nese eshte rrotullimi 180 grade i pikes a rreth pikes b.

Pyetja: Shkruaj nje program i cili do te lexoje nga perdoruesi koordinatat e pikes a: ax, ay dhe koordinatat e pikes b: bx, by dhe te shfaqi ne ekran koordinatat e pikes r: rx, ry

Specifikimi i inputit
Cdo koordinate e dhene do te jete midis kufijve 0 ≤ x ≤ 2000 0 ≤ y ≤ 2000. Do te jepen 4 koordinata sipas rendit ax ay bx by te ndare ne rrjeshta te ndryshem.

Specifikimi i outputit:
Shfaq vlerat e koordinatave rx ry te ndare nga nje hapesire.

Ushtrimi eshte me i thjeshte sec duket. Mjafton ta zgjidhni matematikisht
problemin dhe cdo gje behet e qarte.

Input Shembull I
Output Shembull I:
2 2
Input Shembull II
Output Shembull II:
3 3
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