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Problem "50390 - Total Salary Paid"

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В настоящий момент идёт турнир. Некоторая информация и функции сервера недоступны до его окончания.

imesecanJuly.16.2015 at 12:33:22 PM
0--- Test Case 1 ---
265.3 43
280 43
175 16
255 38
210.7 34
235 13
225 11
290 14
180 31
280 28

--- Pattern ---

mpaja15Nov.27.2015 at 04:12:34 PM
1Сообщение скрыто

imesecanNov.27.2015 at 07:43:31 PM
2Total salary for the first person (whose hourly rate is 265 and worked for 44 in this week)

The salary for the first 30 hours is fixed (hours worked *hourly rate= ) 30*265 = 7950
Between 31 and 35: 10% more. Because he has worked 44 hours, so, for 5 hours he will take 10% more: 5*265*1.1 = 1457.5
Between 36 and 40: 20% more: 5*265*1.2 = 1590
Between 41 and 45: 30% more: 4*265*1.3 =1378

And the total is 12375.5
