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Problem "50393 - Palindromic Numbers"

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imesecanJuly.16.2015 at 12:30:39 PM
0You are supposed to use the given functions and get 5 numbers. In the end, you are supposed to show the number of Palindromic numbers (using the function provided)

imesecanDec.23.2015 at 03:07:27 PM
1This question is designed for the work in a project group. This is how you communicate in the project groups. Others will prepare some functions, then they will give you the description of functions. You should be able to use the functions as described. (Or they should prepare the functions as they have described)

The question is this,
1) you will get 5 numbers and
2) check if they are palindromic or not
3) and count the number of palindromic numbers
using the functions given. And after you count the number of palindromic numbers, you will show the result (the number of palindromic numbers) through the given function.
