
Forums > Discussion of problems > topic:

Problem "50403 - Number of Chairs"

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imesecanJuly.16.2015 at 02:46:36 PM
0--- Test 1 ---
105 15 21

--- Pattern ---

esulkaj16Jan.21.2017 at 09:54:07 AM
1Сообщение скрыто

imesecanJan.21.2017 at 02:07:16 PM
(1: esulkaj16)
Because the table and chairs are objects (you cannot have a fractional chair; like it is not possible to have 2.5 chairs). On one side of table, you can fit either 3 or 4 chairs.

alutaj20Dec.27.2020 at 08:30:28 PM
3Сообщение скрыто
