
Forums > Discussion of problems > topic:

Problem "50534 - Top Trading Company"

There is a contest!

В настоящий момент идёт турнир. Некоторая информация и функции сервера недоступны до его окончания.

imesecanSep.18.2015 at 04:10:44 PM
0---- Test Case 1 ----
EH5376 1.5 6.2 5.9 2.8 9.6 0
NV3191 -10.2 -3.9 8.3 -2.1 0
XE4744 9.3 8.8 -7.6 2.5 0
OZ8364 0.6 3.5 -7.9 0
WU7793 9.3 4.2 -3.4 0

---- pattern ----
37.4 XE4744

ereci16Jan.27.2017 at 12:51:48 AM
1Сообщение скрыто

imesecanJan.27.2017 at 09:30:53 AM
(1: ereci16)
There are two information asked in the question Balance and the company with which you have the max trade. Balance is
Balance = (Your income)- (your expenses)

The total trade of a company is (Your credits to the company)- (your debits to the company).

Then you need to find the company with the max trade.
