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Problem "50555 - Frequency of Letters"

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imesecanSep.27.2015 at 04:12:08 PM
0-- Test 1 ---
<p>For a research on languages, scientiests want to see which letters are used most. In order to make these letters calculations, write a program in which the user
can write a text and the program shows the frequency of letters.</p>

<p><strong>Input specification</strong><br />
The input text can contain any character. You required to read until the end of file.</p>

--- Pattern ---
A= 22
B= 1
C= 14
D= 6
E= 38
F= 6
G= 6
H= 13
I= 18
J= 0
K= 1
L= 8
M= 4
N= 21
O= 18
P= 9
Q= 2
R= 25
S= 19
T= 34
U= 10
V= 0
W= 6
X= 2
Y= 3
Z= 0

imesecanJan.03.2016 at 04:26:24 PM
1--- Test 2 ---
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 552 552-5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message. Please
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552 5.7.0 review our attachment guidelines. df4si19926393obc.32 (state 17).

--- pattern ---
A= 26
B= 5
C= 13
D= 12
E= 55
F= 7
G= 9
H= 14
I= 24
J= 1
K= 0
L= 13
M= 13
N= 19
O= 28
P= 8
Q= 0
R= 33
S= 20
T= 41
U= 12
V= 5
W= 6
X= 0
Y= 5
Z= 0
