
Forums > Discussion of problems > topic:

Problem "School Mail Merge"

There is a contest!

В настоящий момент идёт турнир. Некоторая информация и функции сервера недоступны до его окончания.

imesecanMay.08.2016 at 06:03:56 PM
0--- Test 1 ---
223 Andi Gjoba 10B m 75 56 88 93 67
541 Klevin Zyka 10C m 54 88 85 93 67
476 Stacey Stevenson 11A f 94 75 88 67 69
Dear #name #surname,

Tomorrow, there is a trip for #class.
Please do not forget to bring permission
letter from your parents.

Best wishes

--- Pattern ---
Dear Andi Gjoba, Tomorrow, there is a trip for 10B.
Please do not forget to bring permission letter from
your parents. Best wishes

imesecanMay.08.2016 at 06:04:12 PM
1--- Test 2 ---
40 Shyhrete Cami 9A f 77 59 91 62 66
86 Adelajda Cole 11E f 63 82 67 65 78
159 Aisela Avdolli 9B f 81 49 92 81 74
208 Shkelzen Saka 8F m 88 69 93 89 97
307 Kristina Haliti 8E f 54 69 99 95 88
349 Aisela Plaku 11E f 94 68 85 75 66
Dear Parent

Your #child #name #surname has the following grades
from the lessons:
Language: #language
Math: #math
Computer: #computer
Art: #art
Music: #music

School Administration

--- Pattern ---
Dear Parent Your daughter Aisela Avdolli has the
following grades from the lessons: Language:
81 Math: 49 Computer: 92 Art: 81 Music: 74
School Administration
