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Problem nameIn shortForum
50862 - Sum of the Pairs Not set Clarifications (4) »
51059 - Football teams Not set Clarifications (2) »
51058 - Third grade students Not set Clarifications (3) »
51060 - Public Transportation Not set Clarifications (5) »
50861 - The largest Student Group Not set Clarifications (4) »
50815 - Breaking the Bunker Not set Clarifications (1) »
50483 - Group Total Not set Clarifications (1) »
51078 - Max trade Not set Clarifications (1) »
50500 - Find Student Not set Clarifications (2) »
50786 - Top Question Not set Clarifications (1) »
50788 - Eight Puzzle Not set Clarifications (1) »
50504 - School contest Not set Clarifications (1) »
51056 - Welcome Picnic Not set Clarifications (4) »
50787 - Expected Value Not set Clarifications (1) »
51055 - The competition Not set Clarifications (3) »
50859 - Low performance Not set Clarifications (3) »
50826 - Olive Containers Not set
50866 - Buy the cheapest Not set Clarifications (1) »
51077 - Grades Histogram Not set Clarifications (3) »
50785 - Swimming Contest Not set Clarifications (2) »
50999 - Overlapping Trips Not set Clarifications (1) »
50507 - Sequential Numbers Not set Clarifications (1) »
51057 - Number of students Not set Clarifications (2) »
50501 - The Highest Average Not set Clarifications (4) »

Pages:  [1]  (2)  (3)
