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Problem nameIn shortForum
50980 - The smallest rectangle Not set Clarifications (1) »
50860 - Number of Student Certificates Not set Clarifications (3) »
50832 - Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Not set Clarifications (2) »
50834 - The train which leaves the first Not set Clarifications (1) »
51078 - Max trade Not set Clarifications (1) »
51056 - Welcome Picnic Not set Clarifications (4) »
51055 - The competition Not set Clarifications (3) »
51077 - Grades Histogram Not set Clarifications (3) »
51057 - Number of students Not set Clarifications (2) »
51046 - The biggest number Not set Maximum of a series of numbers Discussion (8) »
50535 - Image Compression Not set Read an image and prints the compressed version of it Clarifications (1) »
50450 - Last Appereance of a Number Beta Show position of last appearnce of number. If not found show -1. Discussion (1) »
50457 - The Number of Winners Alpha Show the number of highest numbers and split the price acording to it. Clarifications (2) »
50453 - The Cubic Difference Not set Find the smallest two consecutive numbers. Clarifications (1) »
50451 - Processing Cost Not set Find the minimum processing cost of a series Clarifications (6) »
50459 - The Biggest Digit Not set Find the biggest digits of each number and their total sum. Clarifications (2) »
50538 - Sum of kth Diagonal Not set Given a matrix. Find the sum of the k-th diagonal. Clarifications (1) »
50465 - How many students have passed? Beta Give N times 3 grades . Find out how many studnets have passed ? Discussion (1) »
50378 - Sum of the given digits Beta You are given some numbers and digit numbers.Calculate the digits sum Clarifications (1) »
50470 - Close Pairs - Revised Not set Print the two numbers whose difference is the closest Clarifications (1) »
50784 - Top Growing Company Not set Show top growing company Clarifications (1) »
50458 - Weekly Report Beta Show total items sold this week and total revenue. Clarifications (1) »
50478 - Letter Grades Alpha Calculate Letter Grade and GradePoint Clarifications (3) »
50791 - Mine field Not set Discussion (1) »

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