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Problem nameIn shortForum
50867 - Average of the Best Grades Not set Clarifications (1) »
50782 - Max of N integers Alpha Maximum of a series of numbers Clarifications (1) »
50460 - Median of 3 Numbers Not set Discussion (5) »
50552 - Casual shoes Alpha Show items requested by the user Clarifications (1) »
50558 - Biggest Barn Gamma Clarifications (1) »
50562 - List of students Alpha Write a program that shows the requested students only Discussion (1) »
50566 - Grade Point Average (GPA) Not set Calculate the GPA of a student, given the marks Discussion (1) »
50570 - Prime numbers in the segment[a, b] Alpha Find all prime numbers between the limits given Discussion (2) »
50573 - Count and Sum Not set Count how many numbers are bigger than k and show their sum. Clarifications (2) »
50575 - Number of Prime numbers Not set Read two numbers and find out how many prime numbers are there between Discussion (2) »
50576 - Number of Perfect numbers Not set Between the given numbers, show the number of perfect numbers. Discussion (3) »
50586 - Prime Palindromes Alpha Find all prime palindromes between the given limits Clarifications (2) »
50588 - Processing the list of numbers Not set Output the sum and average of a set of numbers Clarifications (2) »
50589 - The Number of Eggs Sold Beta How many eggs are sold from the series? Clarifications (2) »
50783 - The smallest number Alpha Find the smallest number in the series Clarifications (1) »
50792 - The student with the highest average Beta Find and show the student with the highest average Clarifications (2) »
50547 - Close Pair Not set Show two numers wich difference is the closest Clarifications (2) »

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