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Pages:  [1]  (2)

Problem nameIn shortForum
50908 - Buy 1 Get 1 Not set
50258 - String manipulations Not set Discussion (1) »
50264 - String Multiplication Not set Discussion (1) »
50429 - Secret Message Not set Print out the source message, given the secret one Clarifications (1) »
50484 - Number Of Letters Not set Clarifications (2) »
50511 - Class Average Not set Clarifications (5) »
50502 - Welcome Andi - 1 Not set Discussion (2) »
50503 - Welcome Andi - 2 Not set Discussion (2) »
50926 - School Mail Merge Not set Clarifications (2) »
50764 - Fast Typing Competition Not set Clarifications (1) »
50533 - Contacts List Not set Search a text within another text Clarifications (1) »
50763 - Valid Password Not set Clarifications (4) »
50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO) (-) Not set Determine if the comet should stay or go
50596 - Your Ride Is Here (USACO) Not set Determine if the comet should stay or go Clarifications (1) »
50759 - Text Statistics Alpha Given a text, return the average word length in it Discussion (1) »
50307 - Palindromes Alpha Clarifications (2) »
50769 - Arithmetic expression Alpha Discussion (1) »
50315 - Pig Latin Beta Translate the given line into pig latin Clarifications (1) »
50409 - Random Password Generator Beta Write a program that produces n random passwords. Clarifications (4) »
50323 - Filtering Contact List Beta Filter the contact list according to the given request Clarifications (1) »
50555 - Frequency of Letters Beta Clarifications (2) »
50655 - Divisibility by 9 Beta Discussion (1) »
50656 - Divisibility by 11 Beta Show if given num is divisble by 11 checking sum of digits Clarifications (2) »
50767 - Censor Beta Censor all the 4-letter words Clarifications (1) »

Pages:  [1]  (2)
