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Problem nameIn shortForum
50371 - Modified Karnaugh-Map Not set Find which letter A,B,C or D is different in Modified Karnaugh-Map Clarifications (1) »
50406 - Draw Pattern 178 Not set Clarifications (1) »
50416 - Placing Dominoes on Chessboard Not set Clarifications (3) »
50477 - Character Pyramids Not set Print M Character Pyramids Clarifications (1) »
50498 - K-Means Not set Clarifications (1) »
50505 - kht Puzzle Not set Clarifications (1) »
50346 - The Biggest Date Not set Clarifications (1) »
50512 - Coding redundancy Not set Clarifications (1) »
50528 - Rock-Scissors-Paper Not set Clarifications (2) »
50493 - n-digit kth Prime Number Not set Clarifications (1) »
50520 - Filling a Matrix Randomly Not set Clarifications (1) »
50454 - What day is it? Not set Read date information and show what the day of the week it is Discussion (1) »
50474 - Sum of Two Primes Not set Clarifications (1) »
50597 - Drawing Diamonds Not set Clarifications (1) »
50253 - Timer Alpha Parsing the string "hours:minutes:seconds" Discussion (1) »
50294 - Centimeters to Yards Alpha Write a program that converts centimeters to yards feet and inches. Discussion (2) »
50303 - Pattern Alpha Clarifications (1) »
50882 - FizzBuzz Alpha Discussion (1) »
50322 - Snake Pattern Alpha Clarifications (1) »
50302 - Paper Scissors Rock Alpha Clarifications (1) »
50396 - Cinema Tickets - 1 Alpha Show total amount of money gathered from the tickets. Clarifications (1) »
50366 - Student Averages (2 Grades) Alpha Enter name and 2 grades. Show the name and the average. Clarifications (2) »
50357 - Convert Euros into Dollars Alpha Convert Euros and Dolars into Leke Discussion (1) »
50466 - Drawing Square From Stars Alpha Draw a square with size N with stars (*). Clarifications (6) »

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