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Problem nameIn shortForum
50351 - Convert inches to cm Alpha Write a program that convert inches to centimeters Discussion (1) »
50356 - Hours Passed Alpha Convert given seconds into Hours, Minutes and Seconds Discussion (2) »
50350 - Fahrenheit to Celsius Alpha Convert temperature in Fahrenheit to celsius degrees. Discussion (1) »
50355 - Bills of City Water Company Alpha Calculate the bills for City water company according to the water rate Clarifications (1) »
50467 - Random Numbers Alpha Write a program with a function that produces m random numbers between Clarifications (1) »
50298 - Coins (-) Alpha
50591 - Leap year Alpha Is the given year a LEAP year? Discussion (1) »
50312 - Sales Bar Chart Beta Give a graphical output of the inputted data Clarifications (1) »
50313 - Pattern Displays Beta Print out a big N letter made of N characters Clarifications (1) »
50393 - Palindromic Numbers Beta Show the number of palindromic numbers Clarifications (2) »
50375 - Area of Circles Beta Calculate and show the area of a circle Clarifications (1) »
50325 - How much time passed? Beta Find the time passed between the two given times. Clarifications (1) »
50580 - Days passed Beta How many days have passed between the given dates Clarifications (3) »

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