
Forums > Discussion of problems > topic:

Problem "50500 - Find Student"

There is a contest!

В настоящий момент идёт турнир. Некоторая информация и функции сервера недоступны до его окончания.

imesecanSep.17.2015 at 12:52:02 PM
0--- Test Case 1 ---
589 10C Lenci Tartari 96
392 11A Andi Dosari 42
751 11B Genti Hoxha 38
523 12A Arban Hitaj 20

--- Pattern ---
589 10C Lenci Tartari 96

imesecanDec.06.2015 at 12:11:13 PM
1When a question says
"class name: 3 characters long string"
You need to declare it with one char more,
char className[4];
