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Problem "50765 - Frequency of Letters"

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imesecanOct.09.2015 at 12:05:25 PM
0Test input1:
<p>For a research on languages, scientiests want to see which letters are used most. In order to make these letters calculations, write a program in which the user
can write a text and the program shows the frequency of letters.</p>

<p><strong>Input specification</strong><br />
The input text can contain any character. You required to read until the end of file.</p>

The output is:
A= 22
B= 1
C= 14
D= 6
E= 38
F= 6
G= 6
H= 13
I= 18
J= 0
K= 1
L= 8
M= 4
N= 21
O= 18
P= 9
Q= 2
R= 25
S= 19
T= 34
U= 10
V= 0
W= 6
X= 2
Y= 3
Z= 0

imesecanOct.09.2015 at 12:06:25 PM
1in C++ when you say,
while(fin>>c) (in C you have similar structures)
that reads the the chars until the end of file.
