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Разделы > Арифметика > задача:

50247 - Missing numbers

• Обсуждение задачи (1)

Задачи раздела

• 50243 - Sum of digits
• 50241 - Greatest common divisor
• 50240 - The numbers that are divisi...
• 50242 - Numbers whose sum of the...
• 50248 - Power of two
• 50641 - Strong Prime Power
• 50249 - Ladders
• 50247 - Missing numbers
• 50267 - Interesting permutations
• 50640 - Cubes
• 50377 - kth Permutation
• 50341 - Separate Into Digits
• 50424 - Area
• 50335 - Five Math Operators
• 50299 - Median
• 50301 - Fractions to Decimals

Обратная связь

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб. Сложность Гамма

Given an equation of the form A + B = C, where A, B and C - non-negative integers numbers in decimal notation that some figures are replaced by question mark (?). An example of such an equation is R 2 34 = 4?. Required to substitute question marks with numbers so the equation becomes correct, or determine that it is impossible. Find only one possible solutions.

Given the equation in the first row. The length of the equation does not exceed 200 characters. Input does not contain spaces. The input numbers and/or the result may contain question mark.
Required to derive the true equality, derived from the original equation replacing question marks with digits. If there is no solution, display a message "No solution".

?2?4 + 9? = 355
0264 + 91 = 355

Для отправки решений необходимо выполнить вход.
