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Турниры > Lab6 - CEN/ECE/SWE > задача:

50355 - Bills of City Water Company


Старт: 07.ноя.2023 в 00:20:01
Финиш: 14.ноя.2023 в 23:20:01
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Задачи турнира

• 50879 - Passed or Failed
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• 50797 - Nr of Missing Guests
• 50355 - Bills of City Water Com...
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• 14-Fall1-20. 50480 - What quadrant ...
• 14-Fall1-60. 50482 - Bank Charges
• 2012-11-10. 50568 - Llogaritesi i in...
• 3. 50391 - Cinema Tickets

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Bills of City Water Company

Write a program for the bills of the city water company. The water rates are computed as follows:

  • $10 fixed price for the first 4 tones
  • If it exceeds 4 tones; $0.005 for each additional litre.
Your program will first get the amount of water used (litres). It will then print the amount due from the user.

Input specification
You will be given the amount in liters - an integer number (num) where 0 ≤ num ≤ 50000

Output specification
Show the amount due from the user. The number will contain at most two digits after the floating point.

Sample Input I
Sample Input II
Sample Output I
Sample Output II

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