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Сборники > Фёдор Меньшиков. Тренировки > задача:

003. 50358 - Series of Odd Numbers

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Задачи сборника

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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan. Сложность Бета

Write a program to print series of odd numbers starting from (m) and as long as the printed numbers are smaller than or equal to the given number (n).

Input specification
You will be given two integers (m, n) which are greater than 1 and are less than or equal to 100.000.   1 < m < n ≤ 100.000.

Output specification
The numbers will be space separated. And, you give endline after every hundreds. e.g.
        ... 97 99
        ... 197 199
        ... 297 299

Sample Input I
100 117

Sample Output I

101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117

Sample Input II
4 10

Sample Output II
5 7 9

Для отправки решений необходимо выполнить вход.
