Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб. Prepared by Ibrahim Mesecan.
The Number of Palindromic Numbers
Note: This question has been designed for
C & C++. It will not work for other programming languages.
A number is palindromic, if it's read from left to right
and from right to left the same. e.g. StackcatS is a palindromic
word, but Cat is not.
Assume that you are given the following functions in
the header file Palin.h :
- bool palindrome(int num);
// decides if the given number is palindromic or not
- int getNum();
// this function gets and returns a number
- void showResult(int
num);// shows the result on screen
Use the functions above in your program,
and, get 5 numbers (using the function getNum();
). And then, show the number of palindromic numbers
(using the function showResult(int
num); )
Note: For C and C++, you can include
the functions using the following statement.
#include "utils/Palin.h"
Input specification
Get five numbers through the function
Output specification
Show the result through the function
showResult(int num);
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