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Сборники > Фёдор Меньшиков. Тренировки > задача:

074. 50396 - Cinema Tickets - 1

• Вопросы к жюри (1)

Задачи сборника

• 045. 50462 - Class Average (3 Gra...
• 050. 50450 - Last Appereance of a ...
• 058. 50574 - Numrat Trekendesh
• 060. 50362 - Pythagorean Numbers
• 060. s
• 065. 50394 - Water Bills
• 070. 50465 - How many students h...
• 072. 50473 - Counting Circles Positions
• 074. 50396 - Cinema Tickets - 1
• 075. 50363 - Class GPA Average
• 080. 50248 - Power of two
• 085. 50333 - Series of Squares
• 090. 50456 - nth Digit of a Number
• 095. 50651 - Largest power of two
• 110. 50288 - Even numbers in even...
• 115. 50425 - Calculating Weekly Pay
• 118. 50514 - Bookkeeping

Обратная связь

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Prepared by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Cinema Tickets

Millennium Cinema center wants to start a computerized system. The ticket prices change according to the ages.

  • Between the ages 0 and 3: Free
  • Between the ages 4 and 9: $5
  • Over the age of 9: $8
The cashier, asks the age and gives the ticket.

Write a program that gets the ages of n people and calculates the total amount of money collected on that day (or month).

Input specification
You will be first given a number (n) the number of the people in that session 0 ≤ n ≤ 100000. Then you will be given n space separated age information in the following lines. Every line will contain at most 1000 integers.

Output specification
Show just one integer number: total amount of money collected.

Sample Input I   
  10 18 5 40 26 3  
Sample Input II   
  43 0 47 39 32 7 39 49 49 4  
Sample Output I   
Sample Output II  

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