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Разделы > Геометрия > задача:

50422 - Area and Perimeter of different Shapes

• Обсуждение задачи (3)

Задачи раздела

• 50237 - Is it the same color?
• 50668 - Triangle
• 50664 - Polygons
• 50263 - Points
• 50268 - Triangles
• 50663 - Lights
• 50670 - Picture
• 51041 - Plane Segmentation
• 50422 - Area and Perimeter of ...
• 50473 - Counting Circles Positions
• 50327 - Parallel Lines
• 50362 - Pythagorean Numbers
• 50328 - How far away
• 50397 - The Number of Points in a ...
• 50399 - Mobile Base Station
• 50487 - Radius of Inscribed Circle
• 50480 - What quadrant is it?

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bfs. Сложность Альфа

Area and Perimeter of different Shapes

You will be given asked to chose a geometrical shape. (1: Circle, 2:Rectangle, 3: Isosceles Triangle) Calculate the area and perimeter of the selected object.

First ask for the Object Type;

  1. if 1 is given then ask for the radius and
    calculate the area and perimeter of the circle;
  2. if 2 is given then ask for the width and height and
    calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle;
  3. if 3 is given then ask for the base and height of an isosceles Triangle
    calculate the area and perimeter of it

Input specification
You will be given an integer number (objType) where 1 ≤ objType ≤ 3, according to the given object type you will be given one (circle) or two integer numbers (rectangle or triangle).
Note: PI= 3.14159

Output specification
Find out the area and perimeter of the given shape. Your result should contain at most 3 decimal place after the floating point.

Sample Input I
Sample Input II
  10 5
Sample Output I
  78.54 31.416
Sample Output II
  25 24.142

Для отправки решений необходимо выполнить вход.
