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Турниры > Lab6 - CEN/ECE/SWE > задача:

50879 - Passed or Failed


Старт: 07.ноя.2023 в 00:20:01
Финиш: 14.ноя.2023 в 23:20:01
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• Турнирная таблица

• Вопросы к жюри (3)

Задачи турнира

• 50879 - Passed or Failed
• 50341 - Separate Into Digits
• 50798 - Passing the course
• 50797 - Nr of Missing Guests
• 50355 - Bills of City Water Company
• 50478 - Letter Grades
• 14-Fall1-20. 50480 - What quadrant ...
• 14-Fall1-60. 50482 - Bank Charges
• 2012-11-10. 50568 - Llogaritesi i in...

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Passed or Failed

Your professor wants to calculate student results automatically. He has 3 exam results (grade1, grade2, grade3) and according the average of these grades he wants to decide if the student has passed or failed. A student fails if his/her average is less than 60; passes otherwise.

Write a program that is going to read 3 marks of the student and then it will decide if the student has "Passed" or "Failed".

Input specification
You will be given three integer numbers where each of them can be between 0 and 100.

Output specification
Calculate the average. If the average is greater than or equal to 59.5 then, show the message "Passed", "Failed" otherwise.

Sample Input I
  60 70 80
Sample Input II
  30 50 70
Sample Output I
Sample Output II

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