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50435 - City Electric Bills

• Вопросы к жюри (3)

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• 50435 - City Electric Bills
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• 002. 50428 - Three Times
• 003. 50432 - Numbers and Squares

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

City Electric Bills

OSHEE calculates the electric bills for home use as follows:

  • The first 310kWh is 7.7lek per kWh
  • Above 310kWh: 13.5lek per kWh
  • City Enlightenment: 8lek per kWh
  • Value added tax (%20)

Question: Write a program that calculates the sum of bills for n clients when the consumption (kWh) and city enlightenment amounts are given. Note: Round payments for each client to the nearest integer.

Input specification
In the beginning, you will be given two integers

  • n: the number of clients where 0 ≤ n ≤ 3000.
  • cea: city enlightenment amount (kWh) which is between 0 and 200
then in the following n lines you will be given n integers (consumption) where 0 ≤ consumption ≤ 2000.

Output specification
Show one integer number: total amount of bills.

Sample Input  
3 41
Sample Output  

The bill for the first customer is calculated as follows:

  • The first 310kw is from 7.7 lek per kw and 2387 leke
  • Exceeding 110kw is from 13.5 lek per kw and 1485 leke
  • 41 kw city enlightenment from 8 leke 328 leke
and the total is 4200. Then, 20% tax is added over it which makes the total: 5040 leke
  • The bill for the first client is 5040
  • The bill for the second client is 2565
  • The bill for the third client is 3258
Thus, the sum is 10863.
Для отправки решений необходимо выполнить вход.
