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Разделы > Поиск > задача:

50450 - Last Appereance of a Number

• Обсуждение задачи (1)

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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan. Сложность Бета

Last appearance of a number

You will be given a number (num), and a list of numbers (lst) with n elements. Search the number (num) in list (lst), if it exists in the list, return its position, show -1, if it's not in the list. If the searching number appears several times, then show the last appearance of it.

Input specification
You will be given two integers (num, n) where 1 ≤ n ≤ 50000 and -100000 ≤ num ≤ 100000. Then in the following n lines you will be given n numbers which are between -100000 and 100000.

Output specification
Show the last appearance of the searching number, if it exists in the list. Show -1 otherwise.
NoteThe position of the first number is 1.

Sample Input I
  3 6
Sample Input II
  -2 10
Sample Output I
Sample Output II

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