Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб. Question by Arban Uka (Modified by Sidrit Reka).
Sum of Two Primes
Our math professor is very interested in the properties of
the prime numbers. He is trying to prove that all the even
numbers can be represented as a sum of two prime numbers.
He wants to find a mathematical proof and in the meantime
he asks you to make a program that tries to represent the
even numbers as the sum of two primes. Note that some even
numbers can be represented by some different pairs of prime
numbers. For example, 16 = 3 + 13 or 5 + 11. The professor
in this case wants to have only the first pair (3, 13)
because he wants the first prime number to be as small
as possible (in this case it is 3).
Given two even numbers a and b, for all the even numbers
from a to b, try to find two prime numbers whose sum is
equal to the required number.
Input specification
In the first line you will given an even integer
a and in the second line you will be given an even
integer b (1 < a, b < 100000).
Output specification
Try to express each of the even numbers between a and b
as the sum of two prime numbers. If it cannot be
represented as a sum of to primes, just output "NO WAY"
as it is shown in the sample output.
Sample Input I
Sample Input II
Sample Output I
2 = NO WAY
4 = 2 2
6 = 3 3
8 = 3 5
10 = 3 7
Sample Output II
10 = 3 7
12 = 5 7
14 = 3 11
16 = 3 13
18 = 5 13
20 = 3 17
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