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Разделы > Геометрия > задача:

50480 - What quadrant is it?

• Вопросы к жюри (5)

Задачи раздела

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• 50480 - What quadrant is it?
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Question by Meral Ari.

What quadrant is it?

You will be given the coordinate of a point. Find and show what quadrant the given point is in?

Input specification
Two integers: x and y where -10000 ≤ x ≤ 10000 and -10000 ≤ y ≤ 10000

Output specification
Show proper message:

  • If the point is in center (0,0), then show the message "Center"
  • If the point is over x axis, then show the message "Over X axis"
  • If the point is over y axis, then show the message "Over Y axis"
  • Otherwise, show the quadrant name.
 Sample Input I     Sample Input II   
 5 -3
 0 0
 Sample Output I     Sample Output II   
 Quadrant 4

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