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Разделы > Строки > задача:

50484 - Number Of Letters

• Вопросы к жюри (2)

Задачи раздела

• 50761 - Magic Words
• 50760 - Hexatridecimal Sum
• 50759 - Text Statistics
• 50246 - Making Potions
• 50258 - String manipulations
• 50264 - String Multiplication
• 50307 - Palindromes
• 50315 - Pig Latin
• 50484 - Number Of Letters
• 50323 - Filtering Contact List
• 50409 - Random Password Generator
• 50763 - Valid Password
• 50429 - Secret Message
• 50511 - Class Average
• 50502 - Welcome Andi - 1
• 50503 - Welcome Andi - 2
• 50926 - School Mail Merge

Обратная связь

Если у вас есть предложения или пожелания по работе Contester, посетите форум сайта www.contester.ru.

Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Prepared by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Number Of Letters

Question: You will be given one line of text containing different ASCII characters. Find out the number of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Note: You can use getline function to read one line of text.

Input specification
You will be given one line of text consisting different ASCII characters. The line will not have more than 250 characters.

Output specification
Show two integer numbers:

  1. Number of uppercase letters
  2. Number of lowercase letters

 Sample Input I     Sample Output I   
(Text) containing-different ASKEY :) characters.
6 32

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