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Разделы > Поиск > задача:

50501 - The Highest Average

• Вопросы к жюри (4)

Задачи раздела

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• 50501 - The Highest Average
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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

The Student with the Highest Average

You will be given a name and 2 grades for three students. Find the student with the highest average.

Input specification
In every line, you will be given the name and two grades for three students. Every name contains only English letters and is not longer than 15 characters. The grades are between 0 and 100.

Output specification
Show the name and average of the student with the highest average. If there are two students with the same highest average show any of them.

 Sample Input I     Sample Output I   
 Ardit 80 63
 Arber 90 75
 Arlind 80 90
 Arlind 85

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