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Разделы > Строки > задача:

50503 - Welcome Andi - 2

• Обсуждение задачи (2)

Задачи раздела

• 50315 - Pig Latin
• 50484 - Number Of Letters
• 50323 - Filtering Contact List
• 50409 - Random Password Generator
• 50763 - Valid Password
• 50429 - Secret Message
• 50511 - Class Average
• 50502 - Welcome Andi - 1
• 50503 - Welcome Andi - 2
• 50926 - School Mail Merge
• 50764 - Fast Typing Competition
• 50533 - Contacts List
• 50555 - Frekuenca e karaktereve
• 50596 - Udhetimi juaj eshte ketu
• 50596 - Udhetimi juaj eshte ketu
• 50655 - Plotpjesetueshmeria me 9
• 50656 - Plotpjestueshmeria me 11

Обратная связь

Если у вас есть предложения или пожелания по работе Contester, посетите форум сайта www.contester.ru.

Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Welcome Andi - 2

You are writing a login system for a website. Write program that gets name and password from the user. If the user enters correct password (correct password is "1234"), you will show a welcome message. If the password doesn't match, you show a sorry message.

Input specification
You will be given two strings: Name and a password. Both strings are not longer than 12 characters and seperated by a space. Name contains only English letters and password may contain only letters and/or digits.

Output specification
Show the message "Welcome Name.", if the given password is correct. Otherwise, show the message "Sorry Name!". Please pay attention to the space between the words and "." and "!" at the end of messages.

 Sample Input I     Sample Input II   
 Landi 1234
 Ardi ab123
 Sample Output I     Sample Output II   
 Welcome Landi.
 Sorry Ardi!

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