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Сборники > Фёдор Меньшиков. Тренировки > задача:

118. 50514 - Bookkeeping

• Вопросы к жюри (2)

Задачи сборника

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• 118. 50514 - Bookkeeping
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• 145. 50656 - Plotpjestueshmeria me 11

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Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.


You work for a company which mainly trades with 3 other companies. You record your balance in a file (you can still use cin or scanf to read or if you want you can read from "input.txt" file) with the following convention:

  1. Debit of Company A
  2. Credit of Company A
  3. Debit of Company B
  4. Credit of Company B
  5. Debit of Company C
  6. Credit of Company C

Question: Write a program that is going to read debit/credit information for 3 companies. Then, it will find out for the following:

  1. Total debts,
  2. Total credits
  3. The most debited company according to the balance

Input specification
You will be given an integer (n) the number of transactions where 0 ≤ n ≤ 2000. Then, in each of the following n lines you will be given 2 numbers :

  • Operation Code: an integer from 1 to 6 (where 1 means Debit of Company A, etc.)
  • The amount: a floating point number which is between 0 and one million

Output specification
Show the following information (floating point numbers with 2 digits precision):

  • Total debts,
  • Total credits
  • The most debited company: a char of (A or B or C)

Sample Input I
2 59
6 154
2 187
5 497
5 31.5
3 488
Sample Output I
1016.5 400 B

Explanation: The balance according to given information is:

Company Total Balance
A Debit 0 246
Credit 246
B Debit 488 -488
Credit 0
C Debit 528.5 -374.5
Credit 154
Then, the most debited company is B.
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