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Разделы > Строки > задача:

50533 - Contacts List

• Вопросы к жюри (1)

Задачи раздела

• 50409 - Random Password Generator
• 50763 - Valid Password
• 50429 - Secret Message
• 50511 - Class Average
• 50502 - Welcome Andi - 1
• 50503 - Welcome Andi - 2
• 50926 - School Mail Merge
• 50764 - Fast Typing Competition
• 50533 - Contacts List
• 50555 - Frekuenca e karaktereve
• 50596 - Udhetimi juaj eshte ketu
• 50596 - Udhetimi juaj eshte ketu
• 50655 - Plotpjesetueshmeria me 9
• 50656 - Plotpjestueshmeria me 11
• 50767 - Censura
• 50769 - Ku eshte Waldorf?
• 50769 - Shprehjet aritmetike

Обратная связь

Если у вас есть предложения или пожелания по работе Contester, посетите форум сайта www.contester.ru.

Лимит времени 2000/4000/4000/4000 мс. Лимит памяти 65000/65000/65000/65000 Кб.
Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Contacts List

You are required to build a very simple application that can search for the contacts stored in the phone by taking a query from the user.

Question: Take the list of the contacts and a query string and decide if each of the contacts contains in it or not.

Input specification
You will be given an integer (1 <= n <= 50000) which represents the number of the contacts. In another line, you will get a short query (a String composed only of 2 characters). In the following n lines, you will get the name of each contact (a String of length at most 10 characters).

Output specification
Show each of the names that contains the query in the same order as in the input. If there is no match, show the message "No matching." without the quotes.

Sample Input I
Sample Output I

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