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50669 - Area of an Irregular Polygon

• Вопросы к жюри (1)

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Question by Ibrahim Mesecan.

Area of an Irregular Polygon

When calculating the area of an irregular polygon, all the vertices are written down in order ending with the starting vertex. Then the product of first y with the second x is subtracted from the product of first x is with the second y, etc.

Write a program that calculates the area of the given polygon.

Input specification
You are given first an integer number n 0 ≤ n ≤ 10,000. Then, in the following n lines you are given coordinates of an irregular polygon. Each coordinate x and y can have any value between -20,000 and +20,000.

Output specification
Show one number with one digit double precision: Area of the given polygon.

 Sample Input   
 -3 -2
 -1 4
 6 1
 3 10
 -4 9
 Sample Output   

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